Mango - QHSE Compliance Software

ChartingYour QHSE System Made Simple

Use Mango Charts to easily make your data stand out, identify trends and inform your uses.
Reclaim your precious time
Mango QHSE on Multiple Devices

Saving Time with built in Charts

Here are just a few examples of how Mango makes your ISO and compliance systems data charting easier to use, saving you time and frustration.
Always up to date charting
Always up to date charting
The simple chart builders allow you to create the charts you need in the various modules and best of all, they are all ways up to date with the latest information.
Spot Trends
Spot Trends
Easily spot the trends happening inside areas of your organisation with charts.
Lost Time Injury Rates Reports & Charts
Lost Time Injury Rates Reports & Charts
Mango automatically calculates your organisations Lost Time Injury Rate along with the freqency and average LTI rates building the charts you need automatically.
Make informed Decisions
Make informed Decisions
Your charts can display information on what's going on in a business in a way make it easy to understand and to make better decisions.
Say goodbye spreadsheets!

Do more in less time with Charts in Mango

Say good bye to all the spreadhseets and seperate systems. With Mango's charts embeded into throughout the system you can do a whole lot more than just make pictures.
Create a range of customised pie charts, line or bar charts with trends to display your results using the built in chart writer.
Create custom filters on your charts to pull only the specific information you want to display
Export your charts as images or as the raw data to use in presentations or reports.
Create your own individual custom charts dashboard to monitor the key areas of your organisation important to you.
Save your custom charts for use later knowing they will automatically be updated with the latest data when you open them.
Live annotate your charts in presentations using the inbuilt annotation tools

See Mango In Action

With the Mango Charts creating reporting that people will actively use and contributes to the business is easier than you think.
Reclaim your precious time

What People Are Saying About Mango

Don't just take our word about how great Mango is, here is the feedback from some of our users.
If you want to check out more independent feedback on how great Mango is head to to hear what others think or you can check out a range of case studies here direct from the end users.

See Mango In Action

Make a booking now to see how simple it is to integrate your systems, reduce paperwork, save time and be compliant.
Reclaim your precious time

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