Mango - QHSE Compliance Software

Document Management Software for QHSE Compliance

Stop wasting time trying to find the right document, file, SDS or templates. Make it simple using Mango's integrated QHSE Document Management Software.
Reclaim your precious time
Mango QHSE on Multiple Devices

Saving Time with Documents Management

Here are just a few examples of how Mango makes your Document Management System easier to use, saving you time and frustration.
Quality Manual
Quality Manual
With Mango you have one set of viewable, access restricted documents for ease of compliance, and auditing. That means you can remove all of your paper based procedures and ad-hoc document storage.
Operations Manuals
Operations Manuals
Allow easy access to everyone in the organisation to all your important procedures and processes. Store your complete compliance or operational manuals in Mango.
Gain comprehensive record of compliance by storing all of your reports, inspections, and maintenance procedures in Mango’s Documents module.
Training Procedures
Training Procedures
Keep your training procedures and job functions for all of your sites in one central location.
Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures
By keeping all your standard operating procedures in Mango's Document Module you ensure that all local and international branches are working from one set documents
Job Safety Analysis
Job Safety Analysis
Keep copies of all your JSA's secure, controlled and available in the files section of the documents module.
Reviews & Meetings
Reviews & Meetings
Capture your minutes for all your important meetings and store these in Mango’s Documents Module
Maintenance Records
Maintenance Records
Store specific maintenance procedures, forms and records in Mango’s centralised Document module
Safety Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets
Hold all your Safety Data Sheets in the files library making them available to everyone, anywhere. Set events to prompt you to review your SDS's, and record the reviews, as required.
Take the pain out of paper

Do more in less time with Documents Management

With Mango's Document module you can do a whole lot more than just store documents or files, you can make everything available to right people, where they need it, and ensure only the latest versions are available.
Incorporate your existing company documentation with ease.
Automatically manage revision control and archive old document verions
Make documentation updates simple to do and instantly available
Instantly alert everyone when a document of file is updated
Ensure that you only have one controlled copy of each document available.
Automatically add document acknowledgements to employee training records
Add images, flowcharts, embed videos or links to other documents and external files into your documents.
Use the inbuilt search functions to stop wasting time looking for documents or files.
Have Mango automatically alert you when it's time to review a document or file in your system.

Easily Meet all your ISO Standards requirements

Use the Documents module in Mango to help you meet the following ISO Management System and compliance system requirements.
ISO 9001
Clauses 5.3, 6.2, 7.1.3 & 7.1.4
ISO 45001
Clauses 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.3, 8.2
ISO 13485
Clauses 4.1, 4.2, 5.5, 6.4, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6
ISO 22001
Clause 4.2
ISO 14001
Clauses 7.5, 7.5.1 and 7.5.2
AS 9100
Clauses 5.3, 6.2, 7.1.3 & 7.1.4
ISO 27001
Clauses 4.3, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 8.2 & Annex Clauses
ISM Code
Sections 2-8 & 10-16

Take your Documents with you

With Mango's mobile friendly website you can use any module from the site on your mobile device, even your document and files.
Reference Any Document
Reference Any Document
Mango's website is designed to be mobile friendly, that means you can easily read any document you have in mango on your phone, exactly where and when you need it
Download Files
Download Files
Download anything that you have in the Files area of the Document Management module directly to your mobile device.
Review Documents
Review Documents
Review any document change suggestions that have been made to your the proceedures live from anywhere in the world.
Mobile Friendly Website

See Mango In Action

Put all your procedures, policies, templates, files, SDS's, manuals, meeting minutes in fact any documentation you need into 1 place and stop wasting time trying to remember which folder, drawer or cabinate they are in.
Reclaim your time now

What People Are Saying About Mango

Don't just take our word about how great Mango is, here is the feedback from some of our users.
If you want to check out more independent feedback on how great Mango is head to to hear what others think or you can check out a range of case studies here direct from the end users.

See Mango In Action

Make a booking now to see how simple it is to integrate your systems, reduce paperwork, save time and be compliant.
Reclaim your precious time

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