Visual Workplace
Sort | Set | Shine | Standardise | Sustain
Stand Alone Workshops
5s Make Your Workspace Safer and Productive
Good housekeeping is always the 1st step on your Lean Journey but the 5S process is far more than just simply housekeeping.
The 5s principles are about setting up your environment to be efficient, repeatable and also safe. Think about it, things aren't just laying around, cords aren't spread across the floor you're certainly far less likely to trip over them!
But it's more than that again, it's the 1st step on your lean journey towards greater efficiency, that's why before we do anything else, we get ready, we implement 5s as a habit within the organisation.
The 5 steps are:
- Sort - Clearly distinguish needed items from unneeded and eliminate the latter
- Straighten - Keep the needed items in the correct place to allow for easy and immediate retrieval
- Shine - Keep the workplace neat & tidy (and SAFE!)
- Standardise - The method by which 'Sort',' Straighten' and 'Shine' are made habitual
- Sustain - Maintain the established procedures
Sounds simple doesn't it, and it is, with a little help, encouragement and buy in from everyone!
Let's have a look at some of the things a simple 5s program can bring to your organisation.
The Benefits of 5s for your Organisation
- It Improves Safety
- It Increases Quality
- It Increases Productivity
- It Reduces Your Costs
- It Improves Culture
- Implementing 5s means remove the clutter of unneeded items in the workplace, that results in more space, few trip hazards and clear pathways.
- Within a 5s environment it's easier to see things that are out of calibration or certification meaning you no longer have the risk of using unsafe equipment.
- A 5s system has in built checking & auditing which means you stay on top of things and you don't slip back to old, unsafe habits.
- It introduces standardisation, so everyone does the same thing in the same way, that becomes habit and it slips into day to day life, consistency feeds quality!
- It simplifies the employees work environment and as we all know people enjoy simple, that means happier, more engaged employees
- A well organised environment helps employees become more focused and that results in reduced errors and defects!!
- It will reduce downtime at start ups where you have to go look for everything, it's already there!
- It well certainly reduce your change over times, which could be further improved with SMED activity
- Each of which means you spend more time producing and you know what you produce it through the plant quicker!
- By only having what you need where you need it your inventory is reduced - lower cost holdings
- Safety is improved so less costs associated with worker related injuries
- reduces scrap (remember those consistent processes?) and so reduces production costs
- 5s is implemented by the team and not inflicted by the management, that means that you know the team will own what they have done and hold themselves and workmates to account when something isn't right.
- Now you have a stanrd everyone knows what is expected and can hold each other to meeting that standard, and improving it.
- Regular checks by the staff themselves help maintain the process.
Implementing 5s means remove the clutter of unneeded items in the workplace, that results in more space, few trip hazards and clear pathways.
Within a 5s environment it's easier to see things that are out of calibration or certification meaning you no longer have the risk of using unsafe equipment.
A 5s system has in built checking & auditing which means you stay on top of things and you don't slip back to old, unsafe habits.
Within a 5s environment it's easier to see things that are out of calibration or certification meaning you no longer have the risk of using unsafe equipment.
A 5s system has in built checking & auditing which means you stay on top of things and you don't slip back to old, unsafe habits.
It introduces standardisation, so everyone does the same thing in the same way, that becomes habit and it slips into day to day life, consistency feeds quality!
It simplifies the employees work environment and as we all know people enjoy simple, that means happier, more engaged employees
A well organised environment helps employees become more focused and that results in reduced errors and defects!!
It simplifies the employees work environment and as we all know people enjoy simple, that means happier, more engaged employees
A well organised environment helps employees become more focused and that results in reduced errors and defects!!
It will reduce downtime at start ups where you have to go look for everything, it's already there!
It well certainly reduce your change over times, which could be further improved with SMED activity
Each of which means you spend more time producing and you know what you produce it through the plant quicker!
It well certainly reduce your change over times, which could be further improved with SMED activity
Each of which means you spend more time producing and you know what you produce it through the plant quicker!
By only having what you need where you need it your inventory is reduced - lower cost holdings
Safety is improved so less costs associated with worker related injuries
reduces scrap (remember those consistent processes?) and so reduces production costs
Safety is improved so less costs associated with worker related injuries
reduces scrap (remember those consistent processes?) and so reduces production costs
5s is implemented by the team and not inflicted by the management, that means that you know the team will own what they have done and hold themselves and workmates to account when something isn't right.
Now you have a stanrd everyone knows what is expected and can hold each other to meeting that standard, and improving it.
Regular checks by the staff themselves help maintain the process.
Now you have a stanrd everyone knows what is expected and can hold each other to meeting that standard, and improving it.
Regular checks by the staff themselves help maintain the process.
Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?
Make a booking now and find out how we can help you Make Things, Better
Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?
Make a booking now and find out how we can help you Make Things, Better
People Development
Unlocking Growth and Developing Your People
Working side by side with your leadership team and the shop floor alike our focus is to help you unlock the local knowledge already at your fingertips to help you transform how you do business. We will intentionally challenge your way of working and your status who to help you push your boundaries and grow your people, positioning you for stronger, sustained growth with a new lean mindset.
Our coaching approach is aimed at teaching you to do and to think for yourselves. We look to help build your leaders lean skills and look for them to train their team to embed that training.
Understand the Direction
Understand the Gap
Understand the Challenges
Map the Steps
Communicate the Steps
Understand the Gap
Understand the Challenges
Map the Steps
Communicate the Steps
Carry out the Coaching
Agree Ownership
Agree time frames
Implement Actions
Agree Ownership
Agree time frames
Implement Actions
Check the outcomes
Check new gaps
Assess the success
Identify the improvements
Check new gaps
Assess the success
Identify the improvements
Review the changes
Implement any improvements
Document the processes
Implement any improvements
Document the processes
Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?
Make a booking now and find out how we can help you Make Things, Better
Ready To Start Your Lean Journey?
Make a booking now and find out how we can help you Make Things, Better