Webinar - Saving Time and Money with Kaizen
We were recently invited to take part in a webinar with the Craig from Mango to talk about continuous Improvement and how a little can go a long way. When it comes to Continuous Improvement there seems to be a belief that you have go large if you want to have any major impact on your organisation. You don't! In fact, more than that, you shouldn't for so many reasons, not least of all really big changes tend to scare people and set off their defence mechanisms which promptly halt all steps forward. Find out a little more about that in our other post: Making Changes – 1 small step at a time.
In this session, we talk with Craig about exactly how much you can do with only a 5-second improvement and just how much value that can really turn into. If you only implement 1 way of working, 1 lean tool in
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