You will have heard the saying - if a tree falls in the forest does it make a noise, well Productivity is kind of the same, Are you really productive if no one knows or rather how do you know you are productive if you are not actually measuring it? A question we always ask clients is how you view your business? Is it effective, ...
It sounds counter intuitive doesn't it, if you want to improve your quality and your productivity it's best if you just stand still for a while. Surely you need to be running around doing things, having meetings, inspecting things, checking things, gathering lots and lots of data, maybe even a white board session with your best Ishikawa Diagram (fi...
If you are a long-term reader of our blog you will know that one of the things that we continually talk about is your organisational values and how you reflect these in everyday operations, how you live those values. So, what has this got to do with Quality? Well, let me ask you how many times do you see Quality in an organisations value list? Thei...
One of the challenges with quality management is building systems and processes that are simple enough for people to use, and want to use, but be robust enough to give you what you need to achieve. As I've talked about before, we spend a lot of time with clients helping them simplify their systems, people will use a simple system every day of the w...
Free Check list - AS9100D Required Documents and Records Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell us where to send it to and it's yours. We have broken all the AS9100D Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space...
Free Internal Audit Schedule Template Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell us where to send it to and it's yours. We have created this great excel based internal audit schedule template that you can use to create your o...
Free Check list - AS9100D Vs ISO9001 2015 Comparison Matrix Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell us where to send it to and it's yours. We have created this great comparison chart between ISO9001:2015 and all the AS9100D...
Free 8 Lean Wastes for Healthcare Poster Understanding the 8 lean wastes in healthcare is critical to any lean journey happening in a medical environment and a great place to start any journey. We put together this simple poster that you can use to explain what each waste is with respect to the Health Care sector. Like every...
Free 8 Lean Wastes Poster Understanding the 8 lean wastes is critical to any lean journey and a great place to start. We put together this simple poster that you can use to explain what each waste is. Like everything we do, getting the poster is simple, fill in the form and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attache...
Free Internal Auditor Training Use this Internal Auditor Training Presentation to help increase the knowledge in your organisation. Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell us where to send it to and it's yours. ...
Free Checklist - ISO9001:2015 Required Documents and Files Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell us where to send it to and it's yours. We have broken all the ISO9001 document & records requirements down for you...
Free Template - ISO9001:2015 SWOT Grab our free template to help carry out your SWOT analysis for ISO9001:2015. Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell us where to send it to and it's yours. {loadmoduleid...
Free ISO14001 EMS Aspect Training Use this ISO14001 Environmental Managament Systems Aspect Training Presentation to help increase the knowledge in your organisation. Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell...
Free ISO9001 Overview Presentation Use this ISO9001 Overview Presentation to help increase the knowledge in your organisation. Like everything we do, getting the notes is simple, fill in the form below and we will send it to you for FREE, no catches, no strings attached just simple, tell us where to send it to and it's yours.  ...
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